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Tourmaline Treasures: Essential Care Tips for Preserving your Beloved Gemstone Jewelry

Tourmaline Treasures: Essential Care Tips for Preserving your Beloved Gemstone Jewelry
Tourmaline, with its stunning array of colors and unique properties, is a captivating gemstone that adds a touch of charm to any jewelry collection...

The Colours of Tourmaline, Part 4: Other Tourmaline Species

The Colours of Tourmaline, Part 4: Other Tourmaline Species
By Yaĝé Enigmus   While the majority of coloured tourmaline gemstones encountered are composed of elbaite tourmaline, there are other tourmaline mi...

The Colours of Tourmaline, Part 3: Fancy Colours of Elbaite

The Colours of Tourmaline, Part 3: Fancy Colours of Elbaite
By Yaĝé Enigmus The right combinations of trace impurities in elbaite can cause the perception of unique colours that are somewhat unique or especi...

The Colours of Tourmaline, Part 2: Primary Colours of Elbaite

The Colours of Tourmaline, Part 2: Primary Colours of Elbaite
By Yaĝé Enigmus   Elbaite tourmaline accounts for the majority of tourmaline gemstones and is the most notably mutlicoloured tourmaline species....

The Colours of Tourmaline, Part 1: What is Tourmaline?

The Colours of Tourmaline, Part 1: What is Tourmaline?
By Yaĝé Enigmus Tourmaline is an exceptionally beautiful gemstone that comes in numerous shades and hues. This gem of many faces has been valued si...


For centuries people were confused as to what the gem tourmaline was. Until the development of modern mineralogy it was identified as some other st...


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