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Ruby Jewelry Care: Tips for Timeless Beauty

Ruby Jewelry Care: Tips for Timeless Beauty
Rubies, with their captivating deep red hues and undeniable allure, are among the most coveted gemstones in the world. Whether you own a dazzling r...

Why do Emeralds, Rubies, and Other Gemstones Have Inclusions?

Why do Emeralds, Rubies, and Other Gemstones Have Inclusions?
If you're a fan of colored gemstones, you've probably come across the term "inclusions" before. Inclusions are tiny imperfections or impurities th...

Why You Should Choose Coloured Gemstones Instead of Diamonds For Your Engagement Ring

Why You Should Choose Coloured Gemstones Instead of Diamonds For Your Engagement Ring
For decades, diamonds have been the traditional choice for engagement rings, but many couples are now turning to coloured gemstones such as emerald...

Famous Ruby Jewellery, Part 5: Tiaras of Scandinavia and Eastern Europe

Famous Ruby Jewellery, Part 5: Tiaras of Scandinavia and Eastern Europe
Just like nobles in other parts of Europe, the rulers of Scandinavia and Eastern Europe made sure to embellish the heads of their queens with rubie...

Famous Ruby Jewellery, Part 4: Tiaras of Continental Western Europe

Famous Ruby Jewellery, Part 4: Tiaras of Continental Western Europe
Rubies have been sought out by rulers for eons. These red stones have long been associated with power and strength, often appearing on the heads, n...

Famous Ruby Jewellery, Part 3: Tiaras of English Monarchs

Famous Ruby Jewellery, Part 3: Tiaras of English Monarchs
Generations of English queens have worn ruby-laden tiaras as symbols of their influence and position. Many of these tiaras are among the most immac...

Famous Ruby Jewellery, Part 2: Necklaces of British Nobility

Famous Ruby Jewellery, Part 2: Necklaces of British Nobility
The British Royal Family has long had a love affair with coloured stones, and rubies are no exception. These burning red gems reflect the passion t...

Famous Ruby Jewellery, Part 1: Amazing American Jewels

Famous Ruby Jewellery, Part 1: Amazing American Jewels
Ruby jewellery has always been sought after by the affluent and influential. Even during the recent history of young nations such as the United Sta...

Great Ruby Rings of the World, Part 2

Great Ruby Rings of the World, Part 2
By Yaĝé Enigmus Among the most prized ruby rings of the world is the Graff Ruby ring. The Graff Ruby originates from the Mogok mining district of ...

Great Ruby Rings of the World, Part 1

Great Ruby Rings of the World, Part 1
By Yaĝé Enigmus The allure of ruby has always made this gem one of the world's most fascinating treasures. The burning red stone has appeared in c...

Famous Ruby Engagement Rings

Famous Ruby Engagement Rings
By Yaĝé Enigmus  Among precious gems, ruby is the stone that many consider to be the most representative of pure passion. This beautiful gemstone ...

The Mythology of the Ruby

The Mythology of the Ruby
Any discussion of rubies and the mythology surrounding them has to begin in India, an ancient source for the beautiful red gemstones. The ancient S...


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