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Gem Care and Handling: Emerald

Gem Care and Handling: Emerald
With their captivating green hue and mesmerizing beauty, emeralds have been cherished for centuries. As a proud owner of emerald jewelry, it is ess...

Flush Mounting Setting Explained

Flush Mounting Setting Explained
Flush mounting is a type of gemstone setting in which the gemstone is set directly into the metal of the ring, level or "flush" with the surface. ...

Why do Emeralds, Rubies, and Other Gemstones Have Inclusions?

Why do Emeralds, Rubies, and Other Gemstones Have Inclusions?
If you're a fan of colored gemstones, you've probably come across the term "inclusions" before. Inclusions are tiny imperfections or impurities th...

The Perfection of Peridot, part 6: The Zephyrs of Zabargad

The Perfection of Peridot, part 6: The Zephyrs of Zabargad
Despite the presence of peridot in mediaeval Europe, evidence suggests that mining operations of the island of Zabargad were still stagnant during ...

Jewelry Nomenclature Glossary Part 1

Jewelry Nomenclature Glossary Part 1
Types of Jewelry Jewelry can be classified into various types based on different criteria such as the materials used, the intended use, and the d...

The Tantalizing Tale of Tanzanite

The Tantalizing Tale of Tanzanite
The story of Tanzanite began not all that long ago.  It was discovered by Masai tribesman Ali Juuyawatu of Merelani Hills, Tanzania, in 1967, and i...

The Zing of Zircon, Part 8: Mystery of the Mountain

The Zing of Zircon, Part 8: Mystery of the Mountain
Most famous for its 79 C.E. eruption, which devastated the Roman settlements of Pompeii and nearby Herculaneum, Mount Vesuvius is a volcano located...

The Zing of Zircon, Part 7: The Story of Starlite

The Zing of Zircon, Part 7: The Story of Starlite
One of the most valuable varieties of zircon, and certainly the most popular, is blue zircon. In some cases this zircon variety may be referred to ...

The Zing of Zircon, Part 6: Terrestrial Timepieces

The Zing of Zircon, Part 6: Terrestrial Timepieces
Because zircon crystals often contain impurities of radioactive isotopes, zircon has been an important material used in the development of radiomet...

The Zing of Zircon, part 5: Fable, Formation, and Function

The Zing of Zircon, part 5: Fable, Formation, and Function
Zircon has been treasured as a gemstone since ancient times. Evidence of zircon’s early use can be found in the Old Testament of the Judeo-Christia...

The Zing of Zircon, Part 4: The Curse of Cubic Zirconia

The Zing of Zircon, Part 4: The Curse of Cubic Zirconia
In the history of gemstone jewellery, white zircon gemstones were long used as diamond simulants because of their striking resemblance to diamonds,...

The Zing of Zircon, Part 3: Types and Treatments

The Zing of Zircon, Part 3: Types and Treatments
It is common for certain colours of zircon gemstone to be subjected to high temperature treatment as a means of enhancing their apparent hue, usual...


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